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Welcome to Georgia Studies! Please check here frequently for updates. My class norm/expectations and procedures can be found in a file share on this site. 

I look forward to partnering with you this year for the success of your child/my student. I can tell you that there will be challenges but such is life.  Please trust the process as I can assure  you that I am one of "my school babies" biggest cheerleaders!  I love working with my students and I love Georgia Studies. I will do my very best to work with your child and prepare them for the rigor of highschool as the year progresses. 

Please know that I am accessible to my students via email, in the mornings at 8:00 by appointment, during lunch and before/after class. Please help me to encourage them to advocate for themselves with me directly as to how I can best assist them with any concerns and/or challenges.

Lastly, this website has each of the 10 units students will be assessed on and each of those units are located under the "More" section. There are tons of resources and information for each standard in the unit. We will begin each unit with vocabulary practice in order for students to best comprehend each unit.  TEAMS will become a GREAT sources for students when they miss a day of school and need to make up work. They will also need to check the black wall folder for missing work and turn it in in the blue folder on the wall. I will go over all of this in class but want you to be aware as well. 

All students should join the following for their period.

TEAMS- on cell phones and join per the link below for their period.


1st  pd                       2nd pd                        3rd pd                       7th pd                        8th pd 


 Remind 101- Students should join 2: 1 for ALL classes "@allgeor and the one below for their class period.

1st pd:@33b44c

2nd pd:@8b34f9

3rd pd:@24b4c48

7th pd:@8ebde38

8th pd:@fe9dh8

Remind 101-For parents of students attending the Georgia Trip * Please disregard for 2020-2021 school year***

1. Text by entering this number 81010

2. Text this message @c4kcg9e

Please know that students have notes to study with as well as a class tutorial under "More" then "Unit 1" on this website. We will practice in class and I will answer any questions. The first 3 units will go fast, please encourage them and send them to me directly with concerns and challenges. 

I look forward to a GREAT year here in Georgia Studies!!!!

P.S- Kleenex, Disinfectant wipes, reward candy/healthy snacks, pencils and markers are always welcome. 

url schedule.jpg
EPMS Bell Schedule

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